2021/22 2020/21
Source of emissions Scope UK
Rest of
theworld Total UK
Rest of
theworld Total
Total %
Gas (T CO
e) Scope 1 46,770 2,155 48,925 35,954 590 36,544 33.9%
e) Scope 1 2,221 – 2,221 2,594 – 2,594 -14.4%
Fuel oil (T CO
e) Scope 1 – – – – – – 0.0%
F-gas (T CO
e) Scope 1 7,098 – 7,098 3,921 – 3,921 81.0%
Fleet mileage (T CO
e) Scope 1 5,338 133 5,471 3,110 85 3,195 71.2%
Electricity and district heating
(locationbased) (T CO
e) Scope 2 67,143 6,525 73,669 51,509 3,483 54,992 34%
Electricity and district heating
(marketbased) (T CO
e) Scope 2 2,777 3,238 6,014 2,711 2,114 4,825 24.7%
Gross emissions (locationbased) 128,570 8,814 137,384 97,088 4,157 101,245 35.7%
Gross emissions (marketbased) 64,203 5,526 69,730 48,290 2,789 51,079 36.5%
Floor area (m2) 2,616,379 124,362 2,740,741 2,516,989 68,821 2,585,810 6.0%
Tonnes carbon per m
floor area
(locationbased) – – 0.0501 – – 0.0392 28.0%
Tonnes carbon per m
floor area
(marketbased) – – 0.0254 – – 0.0198 28.5%
Gas (kWh) 255,349,480 11,766,080 267,115,560 195,542,009 3,205,701 198,747,710 34.4.%
LPG (kWh) 9,645,034 0 9,645,034 11,263,465 – 11,263,465 -14.4%
Fuel oil (kWh) – – – – – –
Fleet mileage (kWh) 21,732,565 461,275 22,193,840 12,237,601 333,754 12,571,355 76.5%
Electricity, district heating
andEV charging (kWh) 316,220,832 28,462,624 344683,455 220,932,960 13,272,101 234,205,061 47.2%
Self-generated electricity
viasolar PV (kWh) 4,365,016 – 4,365,016 4,406,461 – 4,406,461 -0.9%
Total (kWh) 607,312,926 40,689,979 648,002,905 444,382,496 16,811,556 461,194,052 40.5%
Mandatory greenhouse gas reporting
In order to comply with the requirements of the Companies
(Directors’ Report) and Limited Liability Partnerships (Energy
and Carbon Report) Regulations 2018, we have amended our
environmental reporting accordingly.
We have considered the six main greenhouse gases (GHGs) and
report in CO
e for our Scope 1 (direct) and Scope 2 (indirect)
emissions. We have used the GHG Protocol Corporate
Accounting and Reporting Standard methodology to calculate
our emissions as well as DEFRA and International Energy
Standards GHG Conversion Factors for Company Reporting.
Scope 1 includes emissions from the fuels we use in our hotels,
restaurants and offices such as natural gas and liquid petroleum
gas. It also includes CO
e from business owned vehicles which
includes company cars and food logistics vehicles as we own
the lease arrangements. CO
e from company cars is calculated
using the manufacturers stated performance multiplied by an
uplift stated in the DEFRA standards methodology paper.
Scope 2 relates to the indirect emissions associated with the
generation of the electricity consumed in our sites including
district heating. When defining the scope of our data we do not
report onoperations under Joint Venture agreements, or are
fully franchised, where we do not have operational control such
as Premier Inn (UAE). For reasons of materiality, small, one man,
offices in Australasia and the Far East have been excluded.
Allother sites throughout the world are included.
Where possible we have reported billed or AMR (Automated
Meter Reading) data. For those operations which are currently
beyond our reporting capabilities, we have used an estimation
model based on historic budgeted or billed usage.
In 2020/21 we continued our strong track record on the energy
efficiency of our estate, with a focus around utilising our
remote BMS control to allow us to achieve reductions without
the need to visit sites. Through this control we reduced the
runtime of assets in unoccupied sites, saving energy whilst
also extending the lifecycle of the assets. In addition, we
utilised our energy management software throughout the year
during both trading and non-trading periods to monitor and
target sites to optimise energy consumption. We continued to
trial new technologies, for example, we installed smart
controllers to improve the efficiency of our space heating and
cooling, and air source heat pumps for efficient hot water
generation to reduce carbon.
In 2021/22 we were again impacted by lockdowns due to
COVID-19 across our estates, with a national lockdown closing
sites from March 2021 and a staggered re-opening with the
majority of properties open by May 2021. We saw further
closures over the Christmas period in 2021. Throughout
2021/22 we continued to implement the energy efficiency
measures from the previous year as outlined above (BMS
control and the use of energy management software).
In 2021/22, where possible, we have again worked to
implement new technologies. For example, we have continued
the replacement of grills to a more energy efficient version,
this year installing 150 new grills across 103 sites, bringing the
total of new grills to 520 since we started this project in 2018.
This project has seen an overall 50% gas reduction in our
chargrills. We also worked with an external partner to add an
energy saving additive to 502 boilers across 400 of our
restaurant sites. Year-on-year savings on some sites has
already shown up to 10% reduction on gas use over winter.
Wealso utilised refurbishment projects to reduce energy
consumption, for example through upgrading lighting to LED’s.
Whitbread Annual Report and Accounts 2021/22 114
Directors’ report continued